Camp Roberts Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant Project, San Luis Obispo and Monterey Counties, California
The Project Site consisted of a utility-scale photovoltaic solar power plant on an approximate 7.26-acre area located on the eastern portion of the Camp Roberts, California National Guard Base. Construction of the solar plant included the installation of 52 photovoltaic sub-arrays and one pad-mounted inverter / transformer. Additionally, an electrical interconnection to the Camp Roberts base was created using existing overhead electrical feeders. The project qualified as a Risk Level 2 discharger.
Construction activities included the placement of erosion and sediment control measures, construction of a perimeter chain-link fence and concrete equipment pad, improvement of existing site roads, installation of solar power-generating modules and associated structures, and trenching of electrical conduits. Padre personnel were responsible for the inspection of these construction areas to ensure compliance with the California General Construction Permit order number 2010-0014-DWQ. This included ensuring that storm water discharges to the Salinas River, from storm water retention basins constructed for the project activities, were within state-mandated tolerances. Additionally, Padre personnel inspected weekly the condition of site erosion control measures which included silt fencing, fiber rolls, sandbag barriers, biofilter bags, and compost socks and berms.