Site Assessment/Remedial Action Planning

School Canyon Remediation Project, Ventura County, California

School Canyon Remediation Project, Ventura County, California
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Project Name: School Canyon Remediation Project, Ventura County, California Services: Operation and Maintenance of Remediation Systems Client: Chevron Environmental Management Company

Padre is responsible for the operation and maintenance, and monitoring and compliance reporting of soil and groundwater remediation activities on behalf of Chevron Environmental Management Company for its School Canyon Remediation Project. In January 1993, following a period of heavy rains, petroleum hydrocarbons were observed seeping from the ground surface within the drainage area of School Canyon within the active Ventura Oil Field located in Ventura County, California. Site assessment activities identified a large plume of gas condensate-containing soil within the side canyon north of the observed Seep Area, which is referred to as the Canyon Area. A total of 57 groundwater monitoring wells, product recovery wells, and soil vapor extraction (SVE) wells have been constructed throughout the Canyon Area and Creek Area at the Site to remove elevated concentrations of liquid gas condensate from soil and groundwater beneath the Project Site.

Padre is responsible for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the SVE systems, as well as the previously operated groundwater pump and treat system. Padre also conducts regular SVE system monitoring and reporting at the Site. Typical ongoing project activities conducted by Padre at the site include operation and monitoring of a catalytic oxidizer (Cat-Ox) SVE systems performed on a weekly basis, and groundwater monitoring and product thickness measurement performed on a quarterly basis. Specifically, Padre tasks include the following:

Soil Vapor Extraction Monitoring Weekly observation and measurement of the SVE system operation. Measurement of airflow velocity and temperature using electronic gauges and dedicated measurement port locations. Measurement of reactive organic compound (ROC) concentrations of influent and effluent air at dedicated sample port locations using a photoionization detector. Collection of influent and effluent air samples for chemical analysis. Groundwater Monitoring Quarterly observation and measurement of groundwater remediation system. Measurement of depth to water and/or gas condensate product at 21 groundwater monitoring well and product recovery well locations. Purging and disposal of groundwater using vacuum truck extraction techniques. Collection of groundwater samples for chemical analysis.

As part of its activities at the Site, Padre has also prepared and is responsible for the implementation of a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan for protection of the environment as well as a Health and Safety Plan to maintain a safe work environment during the course of the site remediation activities.