Site Assessment/Remedial Action Planning

Former Unocal Avila Terminal, Avila Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California

Former Unocal Avila Terminal, Avila Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California
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Project Name: Former Unocal Avila Terminal, Avila Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California Services: Groundwater Monitoring and Compliance Client: Chevron Environmental Management Company

Padre performed soil, soil gas, and groundwater assessment activities at the subject site in regards to impacts to soil/bedrock and groundwater from historical site uses. Padre currently performs quarterly groundwater monitoring of 93 groundwater monitoring wells. There are four groundwater-bearing zones at the Project Site that are being uated (alluvium, colluvium, Pismo Formation, and Obispo Formation). Padre also performs Construction and Industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan compliance activities at the subject site. The lead agency for the subject site is the Regional Water Quality Control Board.