Site Assessment/Remedial Action Planning

Rincon Onshore and Offshore Facilities, Ventura County, California

Rincon Onshore and Offshore Facilities, Ventura County, California
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Project Name: Rincon Onshore and Offshore Facilities, Ventura County, California Services: Site Assessment/Remedial Action Planning Client: California State Lands Commission

Padre is assisting the California State Lands Commission with the development of a feasibility study for the final disposition of Rincon Island and the associated Onshore Facility, located in west Ventura County. The site assessment activities included the assessment of soil and groundwater on the island and onshore site to assist with the Phase I facility abandonment activities, as well as preparation of the Phase II decommissioning plan for both the onshore and offshore facilities.

The soil assessment activities included the completion of several drill holes and the collection of soil samples for chemical analyses using manual hand auger, Geoprobe® direct-push, hollow-stem auger, and test pit excavation methods. Groundwater assessment activities included the collection of groundwater samples using temporary hydropunch groundwater sampling methods, as well as the construction of groundwater monitoring wells for ongoing groundwater assessment activities. The soil and groundwater data were compared to Environmental Screening Levels to uate remediation alternatives for the anticipated future land uses of the properties.