Guadalupe Oil Field Restoration Project, Guadalupe, California
From April 2010 through December of 2018, Padre provided remediation, groundwater monitoring, air monitoring, biological monitoring, archaeological monitoring and reporting services for the Guadalupe Restoration Project located in the southwestern corner of San Luis Obispo County, approximately 3 miles west of the City of Guadalupe. Since the second quarter of 2010, over 175,000 tons of hydrocarbon-affected soil were excavated and transported to the Santa Maria Sanitary Landfill. Air monitoring and archaeological monitoring was conducted during the course of excavations. Groundwater monitoring was conducted throughout the year and included site-wide gauging and sampling. Results of these activities were reported in the Guadalupe Restoration Project Water Monitoring and Remediation Activities Report on a semi-annual basis and submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the California Coastal Commission, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the San Luis Obispo County Department of Planning and Building. Biological monitoring and restoration activities were conducted throughout the year and included botanical monitoring, wildlife monitoring, restoration activities, native plant propagation, and weed eradication. Results of these activities were reported in the Guadalupe Restoration Project Quarterly Ecological Monitoring Report.