San Benito High School District, New High School, Hollister, California
In 2012 Padre completed a Phase I environmental site assessment (ESA) and environmental hazards report for a proposed high school site, located at 510 Hillcrest Road, Hollister, San Benito County, California (Project Site). The objective of the ESA was to determine whether current or previous land use at or adjacent to the Project Site may have involved, or resulted in the use, storage, disposal, treatment, and/or release of hazardous substances to the environment. The ESA was completed consistent with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E-1527-05). Based on the past agricultural uses at the Project Site, it is Padre's opinion that the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) will require the completion of a Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) to address: 1) the potential for residual pesticides in soils from former agricultural use; 2) the potential for lead in soils from the weathering of lead-based paint from building structures; 3) the potential for residual termiticides in surface soil from building structures; and 4) the potential for TPH in soil from an AST containing diesel fuel and from 55-gallon drums containing waste oil at the Project Site.