Ventura Oil Field, Ventura County, California
The Padre team has completed the remediation and restoration of an historical oil field impoundment area located within a former oilfield in Ventura, California. Initial identified of the location of the impoundment area was completed using historical research, site reconnaissance and by conducting soil assessment activities to define the vertical and lateral extent of petroleum hydrocarbon-containing soil and sump material.
A Remedial Action Plan and Grading Plan were prepared to obtain appropriate permits for the excavation of 15,000 cubic yards of soil from the impoundment location. Padre coordinated and provided oversight of excavation activities, including biological surveys, land surveys, verification soil sampling, contractor management, laboratory management, and agency interaction to meet the remediation goal for the site. The petroleum hydrocarbon-containing soil was bioremediated in a land treatment unit in accordance with the Regional Water Quality Control Board Waste Discharge Requirement permit. The bioremediated soil was subsequently beneficially reused in the oilfield for excavation backfill.