Discretionary Permitting

ExxonMobil Emergency Road Repairs in Las Flores and Venadito Canyons, County of Santa Barbara, California

ExxonMobil Emergency Road Repairs in Las Flores and Venadito Canyons, County of Santa Barbara, California
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Project Name: ExxonMobil Emergency Road Repairs in Las Flores and Venadito Canyons, County of Santa Barbara, California Services: Environmental Permitting and Monitoring Services Client: ExxonMobil Corporation

Padre staff members provided comprehensive emergency permitting and biological consulting services for erosion repairs in Las Flores and Venadito Canyons. Large storm events in January and February of 2009 created heavy flows in Las Flores, Corral and Venadito Creeks. These heavy flows resulted in stream bank erosion that jeopardized the ExxonMobil Facility’s main access road, emergency access road, and a fire water pipeline.

Acquired permits consisted of USACOE Emergency Permit (RGP 63), County of Santa Barbara Emergency Permit, County of Santa Barbara Coastal Development Permit, County of Santa Barbara Land Use Permit, RWQCB 401 Water Quality Certification, and CDFG Streambed Alteration Agreement.

Venadito and Las Flores Canyons are within sensitive habitat areas, which support special-status species including California red-legged frog and southwestern pond turtle, two-striped garter snake, Cooper’s Hawk, and yellow warbler. Because of these issues, Padre biologists conducted pre-construction surveys, and provided full-time biological monitoring.