Carpinteria Valley Water District's 3.0 Million Gallon (MG) Water Storage Tank and Rancho Monte Alegre Annexation, Santa Barbara County, California
Padre assisted the Carpinteria Valley Water District (District) in submitting the requests for a change in the District's Sphere of Influence and annexation of over 2,000 acres to the Santa Barbara Local Agency Formation Commission. Padre also assisted the District in the preparation and submission of Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development permit applications required to pursue development of a 3 MG tank and associated infrastructure (e.g., pipelines, roads, pumping stations). Additionally, Padre assisted the District in obtaining a Streambed Alteration Agreement for construction of a temporary and permanent bridge proposed as part of the overall project. Permit amendment requests were also prepared and filed on behalf of the District to address revisions to the project.
Overall environmental consulting services provided to the District for this project included:
Siting constraints study; CEQA compliance; Permitting Assistance; Biological Mitigation Plan Preparation; and Biological/endangered species monitoring.