Beta Offshore - Platform Eureka to Platform Elly Intrafield Replacement Pipelines Project, Los Angeles Basin, California
In 2011, Beta Offshore proposed to replace their existing 12-inch gross fluids and 10-inch water injection pipelines that run between Platform Elly and Platform Eureka in the Beta Unit located offshore of the Los Angeles Basin. Padre assisted Beta Offshore with the development of the project-related permit application package including site specific biological and geological site surveys. The proposed project received one of the first project approvals issued by the recently reorganized Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE).
Once approved, pipeline installation was conducted utilizing a dynamically-positioned vessel to avoid anchoring impacts. Padre assisted with development and implementation of the Project Compliance Monitoring Program during offshore pipeline installation activities and provided marine mammal monitoring throughout construction.