River Road Bridge Replacement Project, San Miguel, California
Padre completed on-site environmental monitoring services on behalf of the County for the River Road Bridge Replacement project located in San Miguel, California. Padre was responsible for the monitoring of compliance with permit conditions and reporting to the County through weekly monitoring reports. The project involved the replacement of the River Road Bridge over the Salinas River. Issue areas for the project included California red-legged frog, arroyo toad, two-striped garter snake, southwestern pond turtle, San Joaquin kit fox, steelhead, nesting swallows, swifts, songbirds and raptors, day-roosting bats, riparian vegetation removal and impacts, erosion control, stream water quality protection, archaeological resources, and dust control. Padre conducted daily visits at project initiation and weekly visits thereafter during construction activities, and immediately prior to and during storm events to check erosion control measures. Lastly, Padre prepared a site restoration plan for the project site.