Hueneme Pump Station Reconstruction Project, Port Hueneme, Ventura County, California
On behalf of the Ventura County Watershed Protection District (District), Padre provided permit compliance services and permit compliance monitoring for the Hueneme Pump Station Reconstruction Project, located at the junction of Hueneme Drain and J Street Drain in the City of Port Hueneme. Padre conducted five biological surveys prior to commencement of construction activities for special-status wildlife and plant species. In addition, surveys also included crow and raven counts and baseline noise measurements. Additionally, baseline water quality sampling for pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and total suspended solids were conducted at the site.
During construction, work activities were monitored by Padre to ensure permit compliance with the Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 permit, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Programmatic Biological Opinion, California Regional Water Quality Control Board 401 Water Quality Certification, and California Department of Fish and Game Streambed Alteration Agreement for the project. Throughout construction, Padre advised the District (and its contractor) on conditions outlined in each of the project’s permits, and facilitated compliance with each permit condition. Additionally, Padre implemented the Water Quality Monitoring Plan for the project and monitored the site for the potential entry of wildlife into the work area.
Padre prepared a project completion report containing photo-documentation of the project, daily field observation sheets (covering all permit related items) and ambient noise measurement data sheets which was provided to the District. Overall, project activities were in compliance with all the regulatory permits, resulting in minimal disturbance to J Street Drain, and no impacts to riparian vegetation or special status birds, reptiles, amphibians or mammals.