Chevron Estero Marine Terminal Decommissioning Project, San Luis Obispo County, California
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Project Name:
Chevron Estero Marine Terminal Decommissioning Project, San Luis Obispo County, California
Environmental Monitoring Services, Permitting, Biological Assessment, and Training
Chevron Pipe Line Company
Over a period of years, Padre has been providing Chevron Pipe Line Company with a variety of permitting, biological assessment, training, and environmental monitoring services for decommissioning activities at the Estero Marine Terminal, and at Chevron pump stations located in Shandon and Bitterwater Valley in San Luis Obispo County, California. Services provided include the following tasks:
Identification and compliance with permitting requirements for demolition and subsurface excavation activities; Comprehensive biological assessments; Phase I archaeological survey and comprehensive Cultural Resources Management Plan for the terminal property; Historical documentation for structures at the terminal; and, Pre-construction biological surveys, environmental training, and environmental monitoring during construction activities.