BEACON Coastal Regional Sediment Management Plan, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, California
Padre was subcontracted to Noble Consultants, Inc. to provide environmental consulting services related to the implementation of BEACON’s Coastal Regional Sediment Management Regional Plan (CRSMP). Following the completion of the draft CRSMP by Noble Consultants Inc., Padre completed a constraints analysis on the proposed sites for 16 capital projects that were identified in that plan. The capital projects are located both onshore and offshore, and consists of sand management, dredging, sand deposition and grading, and the placement of offshore sand retention structures. Padre prepared an Initial Study, and draft and final Programmatic Focused EIR documents, in accordance with CEQA requirements, uating a subset of the capital projects from the final CRSMP plus a model sand management ordinance. As the lead agency, BEACON will use the programmatic document to tier project-specific subsequent or supplemental CEQA documents once the design of each project is finalized.