Santa Rosa Creek Flood Mitigation Project, San Luis Obispo County, California
Padre prepared an Environmental Impact Report for the Santa Rosa Creek Flood Mitigation Project, located in the West Village of Cambria. The EIR uated environmental impacts associated with six project alternatives including flood bypass structures, supplemental berms, bridge replacement, floodwater detention basins, gravity-pressure storm drains, and auxiliary pumping plants. Primary issues analyzed in the EIR included biological resources, noise, air quality, cultural resources, and recreation. In addition to preparing the EIR, Padre staff conducted jurisdictional wetland delineations and surveys for California red-legged frog, two-striped garter snake, and southwestern pond turtle. The final EIR was certified by the Board of Supervisors in fall of 2001, and construction was completed in 2004. Padre’s technical studies were used by the County to secure state and federal permits for the project.