Santa Barbara County Bridge Replacement Projects, Santa Barbara County, California
Under a Master Services Agreement with Santa Barbara County Public Works Department, Padre provides on-call environmental review services. An example of our work under this agreement is the preparation of Natural Environment Studies (NES) for the repair or replacement of 10 bridges throughout Santa Barbara County. The detailed NES's provide a basis for determining if bridge rehabilitation or replacement will result in any significant impacts, and are technical studies on which NEPA and CEQA assessments are based. These NES reports include regulatory analysis sections, significance thresholds, jurisdictional wetland delineations, special-status species surveys and assessments, and proposed mitigation measures to reduce adverse impacts to less than significant levels. Padre staff conducted surveys, essential habitat element assessments, and essential fish habitat analyses for California tiger salamander, California red-legged frog, southern steelhead, tidewater goby, arroyo chub, and sensitive bat species.