Habitat Restoration

Shell Molino Flowline Removal Project at Arroyo Hondo Creek, Santa Barbara County, California

Shell Molino Flowline Removal Project at Arroyo Hondo Creek, Santa Barbara County, California
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Project Name: Shell Molino Flowline Removal Project at Arroyo Hondo Creek, Santa Barbara County, California Services: Habitat Restoration, Permitting and Biological Assessment Client: Shell Exploration and Production Company

Padre staff members provided comprehensive permitting and biological consulting services for the removal of oil and produced water pipelines (flowlines) associated with the Shell Molino Oil and Gas facility located within the Arroyo Hondo Ranch on the southern Santa Barbara County coast. The flowline corridor is located within the sensitive habitat area of Arroyo Hondo Creek, which supports a wide variety of special-status species including the southern steelhead.

Working with project engineers on numerous field surveys, Padre staff assisted in identifying potential onsite biological constraints and developed alternative project designs and methodologies for flowline removal. This approach significantly reduced the potential impacts of the project to southern steelhead and assisted in minimizing permit issues with the California Department of Fish and Game, Army Corps of Engineers, and National Marine Fisheries Service. Based upon the field surveys and modified engineering design, Padre staff prepared a detailed project deion, and several site-specific restoration plans developed to enhance the habitat for southern steelhead and other sensitive species. In addition, Padre staff performed biological monitoring during construction including daily monitoring of dissolved oxygen levels of stream water in the work area, directed the implementation of site restoration plans, and assisted in the preliminary development of a plan for installation of fish-ladders within the culvert of Arroyo Hondo Creek to enhance southern steelhead migration.