Skytt Mesa Development, Solvang, California
Padre completed a breeding bird survey completed near the City of Solvang in Santa Barbara County, to determine the presence/absence of breeding birds within and adjacent to the Project Site prior to the mobilization of Project equipment. The Project consisted of construction of a residential housing complex in an area surrounded by oak large oak trees. The primary objective of the survey was to determine the presence/absence of bird nests, with specific focus on raptor nests. Raptors typically use their nests from year to year; therefore, the presence of raptor nests is critical in determining if a Project will impact any nesting raptors that are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act administered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Reporting included a map of any active or remnant nests, an inventory of all birds identified within the Project area, and the level of raptor foraging activity completed within the Project impact area. The reporting also included the potential impacts of Project activities to local raptor species, and recommended mitigation measures for Project activities, including buffer zones away from nest sites.