San Simeon Road Bridge Replacement Project, San Simeon,
San Luis Obispo County, California
Padre served as on-site biological monitor on behalf of the County Department of Public Works for the San Simeon Road Bridge Replacement Project located in northern San Luis Obispo County. As part of this task, Padre completed a series of reconnaissance-level special-status species surveys which focused upon the following species: California red-legged frog, two-striped garter snake, southwestern pond turtle, Coast Range newt, southwestern pond turtle, and steelhead. Padre completed environmental sensitivity trainings for all on-site personnel. Padre was also responsible for the monitoring of compliance with multiple-agency permit conditions (e.g., USFWS, CDFG, etc.) and reporting to the County through weekly monitoring reports. Padre completed daily monitoring during all project activities which included nesting bird surveys, environmentally sensitive area protection, aquatic resources protection, and periodic inspection of erosion control devices. Padre also conducted species relocation during water diversion activities and inspected the diversion areas daily for stranded wildlife.