Biological Resource Monitoring during Construction

Arroyo Simi Channel Improvements Project, Ventura County, California

Arroyo Simi Channel Improvements Project, Ventura County, California
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Project Name: Arroyo Simi Channel Improvements Project, Ventura County, California Services: Biological Resource Monitoring Client: Ventura County Watershed Protection District

Padre provided environmental monitoring services during the construction of flood control improvements located between 100 and 500 feet upstream of East Los Posas Road Bridge in Arroyo Santa Rosa. Improvements made during the project included:

Removing the existing grade control structure and armorflex; Installing approximately 185 linear feet of concreted rock riprap; Placing two cutoff walls and installing three keys into the north bank; Relocating of an existing equestrian trail; and Application of a native coastal sage scrub seed mix to disturbed areas upon completion of construction.

Padre conducted several pre-construction breeding bird surveys at the site and conducted an environmental sensitivity training session for contractor personnel on subjects relating to protection of special-status species and water quality.

During the construction phase, Padre biologists completed the following monitoring duties at the site.

Advising the District (and its contractor) on conditions outlined in each of the project permits and facilitating compliance with each permit condition. Ensuring the contractor had clearly defined the limits of the project. Monitoring for any wildlife species (including special-status species) that may enter the site, and if necessary, informing the District so that California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) would be notified. Conducting wildlife relocation (for fish, reptiles, amphibians and mammals, when necessary). Photo-documentation of project activities. Completion of daily monitoring sheets. Ensuring that refueling of vehicles occurred away from Arroyo Santa Rosa. Ensuring that the contractor inspect, and if necessary, maintain their vehicles to avoid leaks of fuel, hydraulic fluids, oils or coolants. Ensuring that workers kept the work area clean, disposing of all food-related trash in sealed containers and removing the trash daily. Monitoring weather forecasts and advising the District (and its contractor) of permit requirements to implement BMPs prior to a rainfall event.

Padre biologists also conducted pre- and post-inventories of any native trees within the work area to facilitate the off-site mitigation conducted to compensate for native tree losses. A project completion report documenting the monitoring effort was prepared and submitted to the client.