PRC 421 Decommissioning Project EIR

PRC 421 Decommissioning Project EIR

Map of Piers 421-1 and 421-2 at Haskell's Beach, Goleta, California.

Padre has a long history of supporting the California State Lands Commission (CSLC) with environmental assessment and monitoring of removal of derelict oil and gas structures along the southern California coast, and specifically within Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. Recently, Padre assisted CSLC with preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the PRC 421 Decommissioning Project.  A copy of the EIR can be found here:

Pier and Caisson 421-1 Looking Southeast (Prior to Demolition).

The Project includes the removal of the two remaining derelict oil drilling piers and caissons located within Haskell’s Beach adjacent to Sandpiper Golf Course in Goleta, Santa Barbara County California. The two existing PRC 421 piers are the last remaining production structures associated with the prolific development of the Ellwood Oil Field that occurred along the Northern Santa Barbara Channel Coast from the late 1920s to 1990s. With the plugging of the last two wells remaining in the oilfield (421-1 and 421-2) in 2019, the piers have no further use.

Currently, Padre is conducting environmental compliance field monitoring services on behalf of CSLC while the Project is being implemented. The Project is anticipated to be completed 1Q23, and will return approximately 0.4 acre of Haskell’s Beach to the public for recreational use.

Demolition of Pier 421-1 Caisson in Progress (November 2022).
Demolition of Pier 421-1 Caisson in Progress and Cut 421-1 Wellhead (November 2022).