Padre and its subconsultant Longitude 123 prepared a Project Execution Plan (PEP) on behalf of Cabrillo Power I LLC addressing the decommissioning of its Encina Marine Oil Terminal (MOT). The MOT historically supported electrical energy production at the Encina Power Station in Carlsbad, California and is partially located offshore within a State Lease area. The PEP is designed to provide for the decommissioning of the MOT in a manner that is satisfactory to the California State Lands Commission (CSLC) and will allow for a lease termination agreement.
The PEP includes a detailed description of project setting, potential decommissioning project activities including alternative scenarios. The PEP also includes an environmental impact assessment as well as supporting documentation and plans provided to maximize safety and minimize potential environmental impacts. These plans were prepared by Padre and include:
• Marine Safety and Anchoring Plan;
• Marine Wildlife Contingency Plan; and
• Oil Spill Response Plan.
Additionally, the PEP provides information used to support the preparation of the required California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation and regulatory permit applications.
After submittal of the PEP and approval of the project design by the CSLC, Padre assisted the CSLC with the preparation of a CEQA compliance document for the Project. The Mitigated Negative Declaration may be downloaded at:
The MOT facilities are located within the jurisdictions of multiple federal, state and local agencies. After the completion and approval of the CEQA documentation, Padre assisted Cabrillo Power I LLC with the preparation of permit applications that were submitted to the California Coastal Commission (CCC), United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) and San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). These included a CCC Coastal Development Permit application, Preconstruction Notification Package for coverage under the USACOE Nationwide Permit Program, and RWQCB application for Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification. Padre also assisted with coordination of a Right of Entry Permit from the California Department of Parks and Recreation.
Once permits were received, Padre assisted Cabrillo Power I LLC with development of a CEQA mitigation and permit condition tracking document. Padre also assisted (under a separate contract) the selected contractor, Curtin Maritime Corporation, complete their Contractor Work Plan for the project which was approved by the CSLC in 2017.
Presently (2018), Padre is assisting Cabrillo Power I LLC with certain tasks associated with mitigation and project permit condition compliance monitoring and reporting. This includes offshore monitoring for the protection of marine wildlife, and other environmental compliance measures, as well as preparation of periodic compliance monitoring reports. Upon completion of the project Padre will prepare a final mitigation and permit conditions compliance summary report on behalf of Cabrillo Power I LLC for submittal to the CSLC.
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