Cal Poly Volleyball Complex MND

California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) proposes to develop a beach volleyball complex within the San Luis Obispo campus’ designated “Campus Instructional Core”. Proposed improvements include but are not limited to five new National Collegiate Athletic Association regulation sand volleyball courts, terraced concrete seat walls and bleachers for spectator seating, an announcer’s podium, lighting, audio and video scoreboard, Mott Gym facade enhancements to the adjacent walls and building, new pedestrian flatwork, and landscape improvements. The Complex would have a maximum seating capacity of 299.

On behalf of Cal Poly, Padre prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial Study (MND/IS) in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The CEQA lead agency is the California State University Trustees. The MND/IS identifies the potential environmental impacts of the Beach Volleyball Complex Project. Salient issues requiring mitigation as identified in the MND/IS include aesthetic/visual resources (specifically light and glare associated with proposed complex lighting and scoreboard use), archaeological-historic resources (unanticipated impacts to presently unknown cultural resources, biological resources (nesting birds) and noise (temporary construction noise). All impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level with implementation of proposed mitigation.

The MND was completed in summer of 2019 with initiation of construction of the project shortly thereafter. The project construction is planned to be completed before the start of the beach volleyball season in February 2020.

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