Project Name: Carpinteria Avenue Bridge Replacement Project, Carpinteria, California
Services: CEQA, NEPA and Permitting Assistance
Client: City of Carpinteria Public Works Department
The Carpinteria Avenue Bridge over Carpinteria Creek was originally constructed in 1937 and needs to be upgraded to meet current earthquake and vehicular safety standards. The project is also designed to include wider sidewalks, improved water flow under the bridge, improved bike access, and creek bed and bank enhancements. Padre is working with the City of Carpinteria to prepare environmental documentation in compliance with CEQA. Padre prepared an environmental scoping document to identify the appropriate CEQA document, and the City determined that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required due to potential aesthetics, biological, noise and water quality impacts. A Draft EIR has been completed and has been distributed for public review. Padre has also completed technical studies for submittal to Caltrans to address National Environmental Policy Act compliance, including a natural environment study, biological assessment, visual impact assessment, noise technical memorandum, and water quality technical memorandum. Padre will also assist the City in obtaining a coastal development permit and regulatory permits for work within Carpinteria Creek.
To follow the project and review project documentation visit the City’s web site.