Inter- and Sub-tidal Surveys

Platform Edith to Elly Power Cable, San Pedro Channel, California

Platform Edith to Elly Power Cable, San Pedro Channel, California
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Project Name: Platform Edith to Elly Power Cable, San Pedro Channel, California Services: Seafloor Habitat and Biological Characterization Client: Beta Offshore LLC

To eliminate emissions from a diesel generator that provided electrical power to two oil platforms, Edith and Elly, Beta Offshore contracted Padre to complete an underwater video survey of a seafloor corridor within which an electrical power cable was to be laid. Padre marine scientists recorded onboard observations from a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) real-time video and from still photographs of the seafloor habitats and biota within the mile-long corridor between the two platforms. A technical report that discussed the results of the survey was prepared and was used to orient the cable route to minimize potential impacts to the resources.

Padre was also involved in similar surveys, permitting, and construction monitoring for the replacement of two submarine pipelines to allow platform Eureka to return to full production.